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Prof. Richard Rivkin from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, visited QIBEBT sponsored by CAS-PIFI

Date:2016-12-14   Click:

Recently, Prof. Richard Rivkin from the Memorial University of Newfoundland visited QIBEBT. Prof. Rivkin started his one-month visit to QIBEBT since November 19nd , which is sponsored by CAS President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI). During his visit, he exchanged opinion and ideas with the faculty and staff on the research on carbon export mechanisms driven by marine microorganisms, and shared his experience on how to write a good scientific paper.

In addition, Prof. Rivkin joined the international expert forum in QIBEBT, and gave a lecture titled "Microbial Regulation of Biologically Mediated Ocean Carbon Pumps: Patterns, Processes and Limitations " on December 5nd. The lecture was hosted by Prof. ZHANG Yongyu, the leader of the Marine Biology and Carbon Sequestration Group at QIBEBT. Ricard's visit further consolidated the collaboration between QIBEBT and Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Copyright:Research Center for Marine Biology and Carbon Sequestration   Add:NO.189 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao    

Web:http://mbcs.qibebt.ac.cn; Tel:0532-80662680   E-mail:zhangyy@qibebt.ac.cn